Trouble with Low Voltage Firefly Magic Firefly Lights?

The below troubleshooting tips will help determine if the lights work properly and are operating as expected.

IMPORTANT: Each "Low Voltage Unit" (see photo below) should be disconnected from any Low Voltage Lighting System and be tested as a standalone unit. Make sure that the disconnected power wires (which are not being used for 12V AC/DC power), are not touching or shorted together.

Firefly Magic Low Voltage Unit Diagram
A). If SOME of the LEDs are working on the Low Voltage Unit:
  1. Visually inspect the black wire from the control box to the LED on all the ‘non-working’ LEDs.
    Firefly Magic Image of Damaged LED
    Look for any cuts, nicks, damaged wires, or missing LEDs (see photo).
  2. If any damage or missing LEDs are found, please see our LED / DC Jack Repair Guide.
  3. If your Firefly Magic Low Voltage Lights are still not working, please contact us via phone 1-877-834-7335 or E-Mail Firefly Magic Support (Monday - Friday 8AM to 4PM MST) for further suggestions.


** CAUTION! This group of troubleshooting steps should only be attempted if you feel comfortable working with electricity. **

  1. Test for 12V AC/DC from transformer or power supply: Please refer to the manufacture of the transformer or power supply and confirm that 12V AC/DC is being delivered to the Low Voltage Unit.
  2. Are your lights working? If not, try the following additional steps.
  3. Check black power wires for damage or cuts (see photo):
    Firefly Magic Power Wire Damage / Cut Example
    Visually inspect the power wire, which is the long wire used for 12V AC/DC power. Look for any cuts, nicks, or damaged wires (refer to the photo).
  4. If any damage is found, please see our LED / DC Jack Repair Guide.
  5. Remove power from the wire being tested and switch the 12V AC/DC power to the other power wire and visually inspect the 2nd power wire. Look for any cuts, nicks, or damaged wires (refer to the photo).
  6. If any damage is found, please see our LED  / DC Jack Repair Guide.
  7. If your Firefly Magic Low Voltage Lights are still not working, please contact us via phone 1-877-834-7335 or E-Mail Firefly Magic Support (Monday - Friday 8AM to 4PM MST) for further suggestions.

 Want to Know More?  Also See:
- Low Voltage Model Support Guides
- Information Sheet - Low Voltage Model
- Instruction Manual - Low Voltage Model

Please feel free to contact our team with additional questions via phone 1-877-834-7335 or E-Mail Firefly Magic Support (Monday - Friday 8AM to 4PM MST).