The below troubleshooting tips will help determine if the lights work properly and are operating as expected.
IMPORTANT: Each "Low Voltage Unit" (see photo below) should be disconnected from any Low Voltage Lighting System and be tested as a standalone unit. Make sure that the disconnected power wires (which are not being used for 12V AC/DC power), are not touching or shorted together.
A). If SOME of the LEDs are working on the Low Voltage Unit: |
- Visually inspect the black wire from the control box to the LED on all the ‘non-working’ LEDs.
Look for any cuts, nicks, damaged wires, or missing LEDs (see photo).
- If any damage or missing LEDs are found, please see our LED / DC Jack Repair Guide.
- If your Firefly Magic Low Voltage Lights are still not working, please contact us via phone 1-877-834-7335 or E-Mail Firefly Magic Support (Monday - Friday 8AM to 4PM MST) for further suggestions.
** CAUTION! This group of troubleshooting steps should only be attempted if you feel comfortable working with electricity. **
Test for 12V AC/DC from transformer or power supply: Please refer to the manufacture of the transformer or power supply and confirm that 12V AC/DC is being delivered to the Low Voltage Unit.
- Are your lights working? If not, try the following additional steps.
Check black power wires for damage or cuts (see photo):
Visually inspect the power wire, which is the long wire used for 12V AC/DC power. Look for any cuts, nicks, or damaged wires (refer to the photo).
- If any damage is found, please see our LED / DC Jack Repair Guide.
- Remove power from the wire being tested and switch the 12V AC/DC power to the other power wire and visually inspect the 2nd power wire. Look for any cuts, nicks, or damaged wires (refer to the photo).
- If any damage is found, please see our LED / DC Jack Repair Guide.
- If your Firefly Magic Low Voltage Lights are still not working, please contact us via phone 1-877-834-7335 or E-Mail Firefly Magic Support (Monday - Friday 8AM to 4PM MST) for further suggestions.
Want to Know More? Also See:
- Low Voltage Model Support Guides
- Information Sheet - Low Voltage Model
- Instruction Manual - Low Voltage Model
Please feel free to contact our team with additional questions via phone 1-877-834-7335 or E-Mail Firefly Magic Support (Monday - Friday 8AM to 4PM MST).